Neighbourhood Plan Sept Update

As we reported last time we propose, as we begin the developing the policies that will form the working basis of the plan, to undertake a consultation exercise asking for your views on our Vision and the Objectives that create and underpin the Plan – it is worth noting that, as part of the work to produce these, and following further feedback, we have revised our Vision from the original which appeared earlier in the WVM and you are being asked to comment on this amended version:-

“By 2036 we will be living in a vibrant supportive community which will value its historic environment and rural setting. Local people’s requirements will have been met by providing a variety of housing, business opportunities and community facilities. Changes will have retained the distinctive characteristics of the individual villages and will have made a genuinely positive contribution to our environment in terms of the scale, design, materials, layout and density of development”.

It is recognised that the Vision and Objectives will develop and may change once we have analysed the results of this survey and we see this as a positive ongoing process and you are encouraged to comment freely.

We are asking our volunteers to deliver the questionnaire to every household in early September and for you to use one of the identified post boxes to “post” them back to us. We will also provide an online questionnaire as an alternative and details on how to access both this and the location of the post boxes are given on the form. In addition, we also propose to hold 2 “surgery” sessions when members of the Steering Group will be available to answer any queries that you may have and again details of these will also be included.

Outside of the proposed consultation, we again had a stall at the Yetminster Fair in July and we were kept busy answering questions about the plan throughout the afternoon. Additionally we have been successful with our application for grant aid and we now have funding in place for the next stage.

Please do look out for the questionnaire and don’t forget you can find us on Facebook – .