Yetminster Short Mat Bowls Club
Please contact the Secretary, Janet Turner, for further information:
The Club has been in existence for 20+ plus years and meets regularly in an informal and friendly atmosphere.
Being a completely mixed sport in which men and women compete equally together and open to all ages, we feel that the mixed nature of the sport creates a great social atmosphere and offers plenty of occasions for single players to play the game in a social and friendly atmosphere.
The Club meets every Thursday afternoon between 2.00pm – 5.00pm in the Jubilee Hall, Church Street, Yetminster. We meet for a fun and social afternoon playing this enjoyable game. New members are always welcome and we are happy to give tuition and to explain the rules – if required – as well as a lovely half-time cuppa! Bowling equipment can be supplied and the first three trial sessions are free. Thereafter £3.00 per session. All you need to bring is a pair of indoor shoes to protect our mats. We look forward to welcoming you.
Click here for Club News
Last Updated: 17/1/23 EJ