
This website is a source of information for both the local community and those planning to visit or actually visiting this fantastic part of Dorset. The website has been designed to be interactive by allowing you to use the Contact Us  page to send us some news, feedback or to ask a question. The editor of the website will respond to the messages you leave or add your information.

The Village Notice Board, gives information on notifications that the Parish Council has received and details of activities likely to affect the parish and there is also a link to the Village Facebook Page. 

What’ On this Week

Our apologies but the WVM website is not up to date as and we have temporally removed the link

EMERGENCIES – contact phone numbers of emergency services and utilities can be accessed by  clicking here or from the Village Notice Board page.

ROAD CLOSURESnotifications and consultations can be found by clicking here or from the Village Notice Board page.

SEVERE WEATHER WARNINGS – See Notifications on the  Village Notice Board

STORM ADVICE –  Click here for advice from the Met Office, Dorset & Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Service and Dorset Council



Thursday 6th June is a very important day in our history as on that day in 1944 over 130,000 British and Allied troops landed on five beaches in Normandy. The German defenses were well fortified resulting in 3,400 killed or missing on the first day alone. Without their bravery, we may not be the country that we are today.

To commemorate the event, please place a lighted candle in your window on the evening of 6th June as a mark of respect for what they did for our freedom.

Country Watch

The Country Watch Website has been launched and will act as a one-stop rural resource centre for all things rural crime related in Dorset. It is intended to help Dorset’s residents overcome rural crimes. Check out the website here – County Watch website

Control of Dogs

There has been an unacceptble increase in incidents of dog fouling across the county over the last few months. As a result Dorset Council has issued a Dog Related Public Spaces Protection Order which aims to regualate dog-related activities in public spaces. The key provisions are: –

  1. Dog owners are required to pick up after their dogs in all public spaces and dispose appropiately.
  2. No dogs are allowed in children’s play spaces
  3. No dogs are allowed on marked play spaces, such as the football pitch
  4. Dogs must be kep on a lead in signposted and identifird area such as churchyards, parish council owned allotments, public gardens and within 5 metres of marked sports pitches.

We appreciate that the large majority of dog owners are very responsible. However, fixed penalty notices can be issued to those that violate this order

We can all report dog fouling on the Dorset For You website by clicking here . Doing this will alert the authority to the problem which will trigger more frequent visits from the Dog Warden.

Yetminster Community Sports Club

The Club has a busy calendar (see the entry in the Amenity pages for details) and is also home to Yetminster United who would welcome your support

The tennis court is available for members to make bookings, the croquet club is meeting (socially distanced on Wednesday and Friday afternoons and the club is open. Contact us at ycsc@btinternet.com

Parish Council
The Parish Council plays an important role in the life of the community . We normally meet on the last Wednesday of the month unless otherwise advertised and Councillors also sit on at least one sub-committee. You can contact the Parish Council through the Clerk – Ms J Hole yetminster@dorset-aptc.gov.uk / 01963 23254 – or use the Contact Form by clicking here 

Community Speed Watch

The Speed Watch patrols will shortly become operational. There is no doubt that the speed at which vehicles travel through the villages is becoming a great concern, so please consider volunteering to join the team. You will be required to attend a short training session after which you can be part of a patrol as and when you are available. Please use the contact form to register your interest in joining the team.


This is continually updated and we are keen to keep this up to date and ask you to use the contact us page to give us information on your clubs, activities and events in the Parish.

SITE INDEX – click here to view index

Last Updated:  04/006/24 – AJP