Allotment Accounts
Select the years accounts as appropriate.
Please note that the 2023/2024 accounts have been updated as per the 2023 / 2024 auditor’s comments with regard to invoices / incorrect descriptions recorded re the work at the allotments by KTD.
NB: The Allotment Income & Expenditure does not show the charges for water where these have not been made and the carried forward figure should therefore be viewed with caution. However, in order to provide an indication of the ongoing financial status these charges are shown separately as a % of the actual Water Bill and the running total adjusted accordingly in the “adjusted” column.
The intention is, with the assistance of the HAA, to establish a set of meter readings for a full year to show usage more accurately. Once these readings are available the mains Water Bills will be reviewed and water usage both historically and currently, together with the relevant standing charge, apportioned accordingly and in discussion with the 3 users at the Hamcrate.
Last updated: 15/08/2024 DIT