Hamcrate Allotments, Yetminster

The allotments were created following the gift of the land known as the Hamcrate to the Parish Council by the King Family to be used “for the benefit of the inhabitants of the parish”. The land was divided to provide an open recreational area and allotments. This original allotment space was subsequently reduced to its present size to provide the Hamcrate Play Area. The allotments are adjacent to Sussex Farm Way, DT9 6SZ.


A total of 25 full plots (individual plots may be sub-divided into 2 half plots) are available for parishioners although people living outside the parish can be considered. Parking is available on site. The revised rental fee (as from April 2022) is £40 for a full plot and £20 for half plot. There are no concessions.  

The soil is considered good and a water supply is available on site.

Please note that due to the demand for an allotment space only half plots are being let at the moment (August 2022)

The Parish Council has undertaken an Allotment Review which can be read by clicking here  

If you are interested in taking on a plot or would like further details please contact the Clerk to the Parish Council (email: yetminster@dorset-aptc.gov.uk) or by using the contact form facility on this website. As of 01/06/2023 there is a waiting list of 4 people.

The Allotment – the allotment newsletter can be viewed here –

No 2 – 8th April 2024

No 1 – 1st November 2023

Last updated: 1/06/2023 DIT