New draft Local Plan for the new Dorset Council unitary authority

Dorset Council are producing a new Local Plan which, once adopted, will replace the existing West Dorset Local Plan and guide decisions on planning applications in the Dorset Unitary Authority for the next 15 years. It outlines the strategy for ensuring the growth that the area needs happens in the right places, and is of the right character and quality, while protecting Dorset’s natural environment and acting on climate change. It also ensures that the right level of services is provided, including schools, as well as retail, leisure, and other community facilities – it is important to remember that where a Neighbourhood Plan is made part of the development plan, its policies will take precedence over the existing non-strategic policies in the local plan for that neighbourhood where they are in conflict.

Details of the adopted Yetminster & Ryme Intrinscea Neighbourhood Plan developed by the parish can be found by clicking here

Dorset Council Waste Services

Missed food recycling, rubbish and glass collections can be reported here.

Help Your Collection crew

Please note the following ways you can help our front-line waste workers: –
• Make sure your bins are out by 6am on your collection day
• Please continue to put the right stuff in the right bin
• Switch to products with less packaging, such as from glass bottles to cans
• Do not fill any recycling box or bin higher than the top of the box/bin itself
• If you have excess recycling (especially glass), please place it out for collection in a sturdy container that can be easily lifted by one
person without the contents spilling or falling out. Do not use plastic bags
• Park considerately, allowing for our vehicles to access your street.

How do I find out about recycling and rubbish collection?

Full details of the service, including the day and type of collection can be found here  

Generally, the collection day is either Thursday (most of Yetminster) or Friday (Ryme Intrinseca)

Household Recycling Centres (HRC, or ‘the tip’)

There are a number of centres throughout Dorset details of which can be found here

How do I report a pothole in the road?

There is a section of the Dorset For You website which explains how to contact Dorset County Council to report a pothole in the road, a pothole in a pavement or deterioration of the edge of the road can be found here.

If you are reporting an emergency that requires immediate attention, please contact Dorset Direct on 01305 221020 during office hours (8.30am-5pm).
For out of hours emergencies please call 0845 0678 999.

Last Updated 25 03 2023 DIT