Neighbourhood Watch
The Yetminster & Ryme Intrinseca Neighbourhood Watch is part of the Dorset Watch Group of Neighbourhood Watch schemes.
Our Coordinator is Cllr Paul Hollick
The Neighbourhood Watch Scheme is a partnership between the police and local residents intended to bring people together to make the community safer. There was previously a Neighbourhood Watch scheme which unfortunately lapsed, and this is a new initiative and there are, as of May 2020, approximately 30 households signed up for the scheme.
The Purpose of the Group is:-
- To assist the Police in fighting crime and the fear of crime.
- To encourage people to be vigilant for themselves and each other.
- To promote awareness of residents to criminal and anti-social activity in their area
- To keep members of the NW informed of current problems and to liaise with the local Police Force in finding solutions to these problems.
- To inform members of security and community safety measures
- To encourage a community willingness to report anything suspicious.
The Aims are:-
- To seek ways of helping to reduce criminal activity in the parish
- To reduce the fear of crime
- To involve more residents in the NW scheme
- To encourage greater use of I.D. marking equipment and home security measures.
The role of the co-ordinator is to encourage new members to join and to ensure that information about recent local criminal or anti-social behaviour and of similar matters that will be of interest to the group is circulated.
The objectives are for the Neighbourhood Watch members to be the eyes and ears of the community so that they are aware of any suspicious or criminal activity, taking note of as much detail as possible such as vehicle registration numbers, description of persons and promptly reporting it to the police via 999 if considered urgent, or 101 or the ‘Dorset Police Website’ if felt to be non-urgent in nature.
To join the Yetminster and Ryme Intrinseca Neighbourhood Watch Group click here and enter your postcode and select Yetminster & Ryme Intrinseca from the list on the right-hand side. You can then register and receive automatic alerts by text or email or both through Dorset Watch and can also message the local coordinator.