1st Yetminster Cub Pack
Yetminster Cubs has a strong Pack of young people and meet weekly on a Tuesday evening during term time 6pm – 7.30pm at the Scout Hut.
Cubs is open to all young people between the ages of 8 – 10 ½years of age. The Cubs enjoy taking part in a wide range of activities that include team games, team challenges, cooking, climbing, hiking, navigation, camping under canvas.
The young people represent the local community taking part in parades across the District, District trips, camps, and events. Cubs can use the skills they have learnt through Beavers to challenge themselves to the limit when taking part in adventurous and exciting activities.
The activities and challenges the Cubs take part in all go towards badges and the Pack will learn many life skills that will help them throughout their time in Scouting and beyond, they top achievement being the Chief Scouts Silver Award.
The Cubs spend a great deal of time during the summer and Autumn months outside exploring Yetminster and neighbouring villages during hikes and other physical activities. The group also learn the detailed skills of camping, continuing to progress their many skills, map reading, navigation using handheld compass and other outdoor skills.
All sessions are run by a fantastic team of adult volunteers as a parent you will be kept fully informed of the weekly the programme and planned events via a simple online Parent Portal App.
If you would like to know more information about your child joining Cubs, then please contact Paul Hollick by email: gsl.1styetminster@gmail.com
If you would like to join our team of adult volunteers and are 18+ years or please contact us at gsl.1styetminster@gmail.com
Flying HIgh! On a Hike Indoor Fishing Round the Camp Fire Looking for Gold! Having a Rest