How to Use the Community Forum
The Community Forum is straightforward to use and we hope that you will take an active role in the discussions as they evolve. Hopefully you will find our Code of Conduct and Privacy Policy helpful.
The help subjects are:-
1. Reading Posts
2. Commenting on a Post
3. Opening a New Discussion
4. Sign In
5. Applying for Membership
6. Change Your Profile / Details
7. Log Out
1. Reading Posts
To read the posts first go to the Forum which can be accessed from either the Community Forum or Post Room pages within the Parish Plan menu.
The screen shows the various discussion categories and the number of discussions that are taking place under each of these. Choose a category by clicking on the highlighted text and a new screen opens which shows the headings of the discussions taking place and indicates how many viewings there have been and how many comments have been made.
Choose which discussion you want to read and a further screen opens with the initial comment highlighted with further comments below this.
To go back to a previous screen use the back arrow (in the top left hand corner on your PC screen) in the normal manner. To go to a different category and discussion select a new subject from the categories listed on the left hand side.
An alternative to searching through the list of categories is to select recent discussions from the list on the left hand side. A new screen opens which shows the categories with the most recent comments. Selecting a category takes you to the discussion screen as described above.
2. Commenting on a Post
If you decide that you want to make a comment then we ask you to sign in using your user name and password.
You can do this by selecting sign in from the menu at the bottom of the discussion screen or by using the sign in box on the left hand side of the screen. On selecting this, a further box opens enabling you to enter your details (don’t forget to log out when you leave the forum if you don’t uncheck the stay signed in box). Enter these and a new screen opens showing the list of categories with your user details now displayed on the left hand side.
Go back to the discussion you were viewing and a box allowing you to add your comment has opened. Type in your comment and when you are happy with what you have written select post comment. This transfers your post for moderation. The webmaster will ensure that your comments meet the Forum’s code of conduct and it will be added to the discussion.
3. Opening a New Discussion
You must be signed in to do this.
Select the new discussion box under your user name on the left hand side of the screen. A new screen opens with various information boxes. First, select the category for your discussion by using the pull down menu bar on the first box. Secondly give your discussion a title – try to keep this simple and relevant to what you saying – and then move to the last box and type in what you want to discuss. When you are happy with what you have written select post comment. This transfers your post for moderation. The webmaster will ensure that your comments meet the Forum’s code of conduct and it will be added to the Forum under the category you have chosen (the webmaster may change this if it is felt that there is a better category to place it under).
4. Sign In
You can do this either by selecting the “sign in” box on the left hand side of the screen or from a discussion page (as described above) when you are looking at the postings. On selecting this, a new box opens enabling you to enter your details (don’t forget to log out when you leave the forum if you check the stay signed in box). After you have entered these a new screen opens showing the list of categories with your user details on the left hand side.
5. Applying for Membership
We ask you to become a member of the Community Forum so that, by having to sign in to leave a posting we can control misuse of the site by outsiders. Your membership details will not be divulged or otherwise transmitted to a third party and we will not use it to contact you with information or advertisement other than as pertaining to your use of the Forum.
To apply, select the apply for membership box on the left hand side of the screen. On selecting this, a new box opens enabling you to enter your details. Enter your email address (we need this to be able to send you an authentication email) and then think of a user name you want to use. Bear in mind that this will appear against your posting so other people will be able to see it – you may want to use the name of a flower or of a favourite pet etc. but we would advise that you keep it simple as you have to type it in every time you sign in!
Having done this you now need to think of a password which must be at least 6 characters long.
We now ask you to indicate your gender. This is so we can get an idea of who is using the forum but you can decline to do this if you want to by selecting unspecified.
Now look at the security check box. You will see some numbers which you need to copy into where it says type the text. This is called a CAPTCHA and, as explained, this is to help stop misuse of the site by outsiders.
Having now completed all the required information we ask you to agree to the terms of service (these are available within the Community Forum pages on the parish website) and then select the sign up box.
The Forum screen now opens and your user name appears on the left hand side. At the bottom of the screen and also on the left hand side is a message asking you to confirm your email address. To do this click the highlighted here and a message will appear confirming that your confirm email request has been sent.
Go to the in box at the email address you used and look at your new emails for the welcome message from the Community Forum (if you don’t see it please look in your Spam Folder). Follow the instructions and you will then be able to join in the forum discussions.
6. Change Your Profile / Details
You may decide that you want to change your email address or password. To do this, select the starred wheel next to the log out symbol on the user bar. This opens a new box with edit profile displayed. Select this and a new screen opens and you can change your email address although you are not able to change your user name. Save your changed email address by selecting save.
Selecting change my password from the menu on the left hand side enables you to change this by entering your old password and confirming a new one. Save the changed password by selecting change password.
7. Log Out
It is important to log out when you have finished your “logged in” session.
To do this, select the logout symbol (the open door with the man going through it) on the right hand end of the user bar. Alternatively, select the starred wheel on the user bar and sub menu open from where you can log out.
You do not need to “log out” if you have not “logged in” and are only reading the discussions.