Update on Progress – September 2019 – July 2020
Prior to the outbreak of Coronavirus, the NP Steering Group had formally presented the draft Neighboured Plan at a presentation to the Parish Council Members.
The members were asked to read the draft and to provide their comments and concerns to a YRIPC NP working group consisting of Cllrs Cox, Hollick, Louden and Torrance with Cllr Hentley acting as advisor. These have been collated and forwarded to the Steering Group. Unfortunately, the Coronavirus outbreak rather disrupted further progress although an amended draft version has now been produced and has been printed and circulated to the YRIPC members.
The Steering Group has now stood down and they have been thanked for their efforts.
A timetable has been produced to enable the statutory Neighbourhood Plan Regulation 14 6-week consultation to be undertaken by the Council, for the communities’ comments and responses to be considered, for the plan to be amended as necessary, for formal adoption by the Parish Council and for submission to Dorset Council for examination and, hopefully adoption after the final referendum.
It is intended to undertake the consultation in September/October and for the final document to be submitted at the beginning of the New Year.
Work has begun on the actual consultation process and it is proposed to make a paper copy of the document available at key locations within the parish although residents will be encouraged to view it online. As it is recognised that not everyone will want to read the full document a summary will also be available. Every household will receive a letter explaining how important the plan is for the future development of the parish and a questionnaire so that they can comment although, again, people will be encouraged to use an on-line survey
With the disbandment of the NP Steering Group there is a need for someone with planning and NP experience to take the plan forward to completion and to advise the YRIPC. Dorset Planning Consultants, who have previously advised the Steering Group, have quoted for the work and are prepared to take the lead role and work with the YRIPC NP Working Group to bring the process to completion. The cost would be covered by the further Locality Grant which has now been approved.
Work is also underway to finalise the various supporting documentation (the Consultation Statement, the Statement of Conformity and the Design Statement) and AECOM, who provide free technical support to Neighbourhood Plan Groups will undertake a “Health” check of the plan during the consultation period so that any shortcomings are identified.