Update on Progress – December 2016
Our application for funding towards the cost of producing the Neighbourhood Plan has been conditionally approved by Groundwork, the agents for Locality the fund provider. We expect to get the formal approval letter within the next two weeks and it is for our projected spend during December, January, February and March. The grant amounts to £4395 and a further application for funding for the following 6 months will be made in 2017 as we move towards our first draft of the Plan
This has not been an easy process and we are grateful to all those who have contributed to our submission in one way or another.
The Neighbourhood Plan pages on the Parish website, together with articles in the WVM are being used to update the community on progress although an exciting initiative over the next few months is the development of a dedicated Neighbourhood Plan Facebook page. This we intend to link with a “News Sheet” facility which people can sign up for so do please look out for details on this.
There is also a proposal to do a “walkabout” identifying what is best in the villages and the parish generally. Hopefully, having advertised this, residents and others will engage with us when we are out and about and talk about their concerns and likes and dislikes!