Neighbourhood Plan Update
March saw the completion of phase II of the plan project and we now have our draft vision (see the previous WVM) and our provisional objectives to enable us to achieve this.
A number of people have commented on these and we are now looking at further ways to enable the community to engage with us. We do, of course now have our Facebook page ( and also our pages on the Parish Website but we want to do more. Options are some form of consultation questionnaire delivered to every household and perhaps some form of NP Surgery whereby people can drop in and meet members of the team.
We were also keen to involve the school children at St Andrews and we are grateful for the School’s Rights Respecters who produced a questionnaire and we now have lots of information as to how young villagers see their future villages and we shall be looking at this over the next weeks – a big thank you from us to all those who helped and took part in this.
Some concerns have been expressed that the process is taking a long time and we do appreciate this. However, it is essential that in producing our Plan we ensure that it will meet all the requirements of the legislation and National Policies. You will therefore, hopefully, appreciate that a considerable amount of research and discussion has to take place for us to have a robust plan and that we are, to a certain extent, lay people although we do have the benefit of a consultant to help us.
A further constraint is the need to seek funding from Central Government and this can only be done in stages, one part having to have been completed before a further application can be made and this process produces its own delays.
To be positive, things are moving and our phase III will evolve the work done so far into a draft plan which should be available towards the middle of September.
In looking at what needs to be done for this we are considering what we need in the terms of photographs etc. Ideally, we would like to have some aerial shots of Yetminster and of Ryme Intrinseca using a Drone as we feel these will provide an interest in the document.